What’s Your Story?

IMG_6849The Koshare is a story teller in Native American tradition.  Appearing like a clown, the koshare is no clown, but a revered member of the pueblo passing on stories from generation to generation.

I wonder what story we tell when we talk about ourselves.  Does our story start with a past that confines and limits us?   Does it portend a future health based on past illnesses?  Or, do we remember that each day we get another chance to start over smarter and more experienced with thousands of new cells just waiting for instructions?

When a member of the Cheyenne tribe of Montana gives a gift to his friend, he places it on a table in front of him.  The friend then picks it up, swipes his hand underneath to symbolically cut any strings attached, and then graciously and genuinely thanks his friend for the gift.  Do we tell our story with no strings attached?  We can.  We can acknowledge a past that taught us lessons and brought us to this moment, but that no longer dictates our future.

I’m working on this, trying to find a balance between acknowledging the past without being bound by it and creating a present and future of pure potential.  It’s life, and I’m livin’ it!  And you?



One Response to “What’s Your Story?”

  1. Barbara Hinz

    I love the part about cutting the strings. I will remember this whenever I start to tell stories of the past, it will be a memory, not something I take with me into the now or future, unless it is filled with LOVE!


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