We Are All Blessed

IMG_9107I hear people say so often that they feel blessed.  They usually say this when something wonderful happens to them.  They feel blessed to see a beautiful sunset, or that they live in a nice home, or that the people they love are healthy.  But, can we feel blessed when things are not going as we would like?  I wonder about that.

I believe that we are all blessed.  Life is blessed.  Even when things are not going how we would like, we are living a blessed life.  We have the ability to acknowledge how we feel and move as much as we can toward creating what gives us joy.  Movement breathes life into us and is the birth of change and creation.  We might not see a direct correlation between what we don’t like and what we have created.  It is helpful to release any assumed control over the outcome anyway.

I don’t believe that we are selected above others to see a beautiful view.  We are not rewarded because we are special to the exclusion of others.  A beautiful sunset means looking at our magnificent earth and sky and appreciating something in our lives that brings us much pleasure.  It can be a time to take pause and appreciate and enjoy.  Appreciation and joy.  Yes, appreciate and be joyful.  I hope that I have adequately conveyed what I mean.  I am thinking about feeling blessed in a different and expanded way.

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