Money and Truth


Can we talk about money for a moment? Money, like everything else, has no intrinsic value. It is not good or bad. It is the medium of exchange for goods and services and for sharing in charitable ways. But, in addition to its pure financial value, money can have a meaning that we assign to it, and that meaning is perceived differently from person to person. A recent discussion with a friend brought up this topic. And, of course, I had something to say about it!

Abundance comes in so many forms. One of them is money. I love appreciating abundance in the simplest forms, like a spontaneous hug from my granddaughter, sharing a meal with a friend, belly laughter, warm sand under my feet and a brilliant sunset. When I consciously focus my thoughts, it’s like investing in abundance. Before I know it, I am collecting dividends.

Sometimes the financial cost is the reason why I don’t do something, and sometimes it’s not. I believe that it is healing to separate one from the other, and to take responsibility for my true feelings, rather than making money an easy and convenient scapegoat.  Money cannot be representative of my core character and truth.  That is the providence of my thoughts and beliefs.  True, sustainable power and courage comes from inside. It is authentic. It is unshakable. It is unaffected by the markets.

There is an emotional cost for allowing money to be the sole barometer of fulfillment.  Are you willing to pay that?  Not me, I want to pay only once.

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