I’m Just Plain Happy

photo-13When I first came up with the idea to move, people asked me what I hoped to find in Santa Fe. I answered that I wanted to be part of a community and to be closer to the land. I didn’t really know what that meant or what it would look like.

Last night when I was at the eighth party in my two months here, I understood that I had become part of the community that I was looking for. No one can take the place of my cherished friends and family on the east coast, but I am now a part of an active community that gets together to play and learn and share.

One man last night told me that when he was in Arkansas, it was such an old community that the newcomers club was closed to new members since 1936. Here in Santa Fe everyone moved from somewhere else, so they welcome new people and support our adjustment. Everyone remembers what it felt like to be new and to have left family behind.

I am enjoying each new discovery with fresh appreciation. A few minutes ago as I was steaming my clothes before getting ready to meet a friend to go to the botanical gardens and a museum, I found myself smiling. Even steaming clothes is fun? Yes, it’s all fun and reason to rejoice. And, I can’t wait for my family and friends to come visit. Thanks for coming on my journey with me!



2 Responses to “I’m Just Plain Happy”

  1. Carol

    So happy for you Ellie! We mere mortals are grunting along here. But everything has a proper time and place. Miss you! I might come fir a weekend on my way to AZ in Feb. does that sound good?


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