Healthier Living

FullSizeRender-18My friend posted this article on Facebook. It describes how, according to Chinese medicine, energy flows throughout the body in two-hour cycles, cleansing and nourishing our organs. When one system is at its peak, the organ on the opposite side of the chart is resting. Often we find ourselves waking up at the same time during the night indicating that one of our systems is stressed.

We can schedule our activities to support these functions, including making the the last meal of the day the lightest, eating between 5-7:00 pm and avoiding late night snacks and screen-based stimulation such as the computer and tv.  Our bodies are not programmed to handle these activities late at night.

Even though I know this, I sometimes find myself on the computer and eating a heavy dinner too late, but these are good guidelines to think about. When possible I adjust my activities to support my body’s energy cycles.  Just a thought for healthier living!

By the way, the picture is of broccoli at our local market.

3 Responses to “Healthier Living”

  1. Laurence

    I love Chinese Medicine! Thousand of years ago, they already understood the laws governing health preservation. Extending further, this clock can also be applied to seasons. We are during the winter, in the Water element which rules our Kidney/ Urinary Bladder. It is a time for internal work: meditation, containment, concentration and storing our energy. It is the time to nourish the “seeds” that will sprout during the Spring time. So get more rest, choose more warming and nourishing food, schedule more time for your inner life and of course, “gather around the hearth” with people who mean the most to you.
    Happy New Year Ellie! Hope to see you soon.

    • Ellie Dolgin

      Laurence, thank you so much for the chart and the additional information. I will be planning more quiet time and warming foods nourishing the seeds of spring. And I’d love to see you soon!


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