New Year Resolutions – UGH!!!!

IMG_2407I don’t make New Year resolutions anymore.  I think about ways that I could make my life better or that I could be a better person so many times throughout the year that New Year’s Eve is just another time for self-reflection.  And, I assure you that in August I won’t remember what I promised on December 31st!

Given that, I will take time tomorrow to reflect on the direction of my life and what are my beliefs that are attracting one experience as opposed to another.  The other day when I noticed that I was avoiding a task, I wrote down what my beliefs were about it, and what is actually the truth.  It is amazing how it cleared the air and I easily plunged into the task.

I recently read an article encouraging people to make simple resolutions that they feel they can keep.  My yoga teacher used to work at a gym as a trainer.  She said that there would be an onslaught of new clients in January wanting to work out and lose weight.  The regulars would protest that so many new people used the machines, but my friend told them to be patient.  The new clients would be gone in February.  And she was right.

Whatever you choose to do tomorrow, be safe, be kind, be generous, be yourself!  My love and warmest wishes to you for all that you hope for as we usher in this most exciting new year!


6 Responses to “New Year Resolutions – UGH!!!!”

  1. Heather

    I love this!! I totally agree about the New Years resolution, and also about being patient whenever possible. I love you so much!!

  2. Marva Soogrim

    Ellie, I feel the same way as I just want to grow in silence, say less and be more. This way, the world get the effect of peace. One Drop!!
    Thanks for all your inspiring posts. You are affecting our world gracefully:)

    • Ellie Dolgin

      Marva, I love growing in silence, say less and be more. What a wonderful concept. Thanks so much for sharing that.

  3. ruth

    Dear, you are an inspiration to me. You are a teacher to me. I wish you the best of good health every day not just New Years Day. mom


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