A Happy Anniversary

IMG_8509Tomorrow marks the one-year anniversary of my move to Santa Fe.  That’s right, I moved here exactly one year ago with one plastic fork, a paper plate, some granola bars, an inflatable mattress, and an unquestioning faith.

In this past year, I have developed a profound appreciation for mountains and sunsets, southwest culture and new friends.  Cool, crisp night air, summer hailstorms and blazing sunny days thrill me with the promise of unpredictability.  I am an observer and forever a student hungry for new ideas and experiences.  I have a deep respect for our native American culture and its emphasis on family, ancestors and connection to the earth.  I laugh at the sometimes hokey traditions here and have relaxed into their lack of pretenses.  And, most of all, I am enjoying creating a home that is calm, healing, and in harmony with nature.

Today I celebrated with my new cowgirl hat!

7 Responses to “A Happy Anniversary”

  1. Ari

    Congrats on the one year mark! So great to see you embrace new experiences in your not-so-new home. Your relentlessly positive attitude and open mind is so refreshing! Looking forward to hearing more about your journey of life. 🙂

  2. Janis

    Happy Anniversary! It’s hard to believe it has been a year. You are an inspiration! Please keep writing and sharing your journey.
    Love the hat!

  3. Ellie Dolgin

    Thank you, Everyone, for being a part of this! I so appreciate knowing that you are there!!!


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