Turbosonic Me

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe had just finished a group sound healing session when the facilitator asked if I wanted to see the new machine that everyone was talking about. Of course I did!

It is called Turbosonic, and is a ten-minute whole body workout with no effort. Supposedly it was developed by the Russians to help their astronauts regain bone density and muscle mass, and further refined by Korean qigong masters. You stand on the machine like a treadmill and the floor vibrates in different rhythms. Using an acoustic amplifier system that you don’t hear, the vibration travels up your body and awakens every cell. It is said to increase bone health, muscle tone and lymph circulation, clear up joint issues, promote sleep, and assist the circulatory system’s ability to deliver nutrients and hormones throughout the body.

I am not a promoter and I am not invested in this in any way, but I am excited that after two sessions, a total of twenty minutes, I can more easily reach my toes and some joint discomfort from the past few weeks disappeared. I don’t know if it is long-lasting or how many times you have to use it to get a benefit, but I wanted to pass on this info in case you want to research it and check it out in your area.

3 Responses to “Turbosonic Me”

  1. Heather

    Harmonee has one! I tried it last
    summer. Was part awesome, part
    nauseating, and def made me laugh. I can totally see how it would awaken all your cells!!


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