Vegan Versus Paleo

I was invited to a cooking demonstration using vegan recipes. Why not learn how to prepare food using different ingredients? Vegan cooking is a plant-based diet which eliminates animal and dairy products. Many people follow that style of eating because of their distaste for consuming animals and they feel that our bodies function at peak levels when nourished with plants. The foods made in the demonstration used surprising ingredients, were tasty, and were tauted as super healthy. I went home inspired to try them on my own.

The next day I came across a recipe from the Paleo diet for pear muffins using nine eggs for twelve muffins. I tried that and it was really good. Paleo people eat what our paleolithic ancestors ate which predates agriculture and grain harvesting. It is high in protein and animal products. It seems to be at odds with vegan consumption.

I started to think about ayurveda cooking which prohibits pairing certain foods with others, and diets low in fat opposing those high in fats, raw versus cooked, and my head started to spin. There are so many do’s and don’ts and conflicting rules.

Moderation seems to be the rule for me. For those people who have a social, religious or emotional reason to follow one method of eating, I understand sticking to one modality. But for me, incorporating different kinds of recipes produces a balanced diet, always using the best quality of food available. I believe that not stressing over food is also important to our health.

And not to be overlooked is how fortunate we are to be able to have these choices. Generosity is enormously healthy, and sharing food is a most humble and precious gift.

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