Proper Healing

How do your beliefs affect your health? How can you contribute to healing with renewed and conscious behavior?

A recent lecture by a Taoist shed light on sometimes overlooked attitudes that either promote healing or keep us identified with illness or dis-ease. Zhenzan Dao says that it is important to address the illness and all of our emotions associated with it. You have to feel them and work through them before you can move beyond them. Take the time to feel angry, wronged, sad, vulnerable or out of control and watch those feelings dissipate in their natural time. Attend to treatments that you believe in whether they are traditional western medicine or an alternative approach.

Here is the jewel – after you have done the above – forget about it. Forget what ails you, how it restricts your movements, when it appeared or disappeared – how many times and how you addressed it. Forget that it hampers your movement or prevents you from doing what you want to. Forget it and go on. You just might find that it is not as pervasive as you thought. It is not who you are or who you will be in the future.  It is in no way a part of your identity.  It happened; it’s done or not done; you are a new person with a new set of opportunities everyday.  If you believe that it will stay with you for a certain time period, then it will.  If you let it go, you might notice that it goes away or becomes less in severity when you chose to no longer carry it.  Its identity exists separately from yours.

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