Standing Up to a Bully

200During the warm up exercises in my qigong class this morning, I noticed that the woman in front of me had never been in our class before. She seemed to be new to qigong. How nice for her to try something new. Then the back door opened and a woman peeked her head in and asked if she was late. The teacher said No, Come on in! When she went out to the car to get her yoga mat, the woman in front of me started to roll up her mat saying that the one who was about to join the class had broken a rental agreement with her and they couldn’t be in the same room. She seemed afraid of her. I moved my mat behind her and said that she didn’t have to leave because I had her back. She smiled relief and continued to practice, thanking me at the end of class as she rolled up her mat and scooted out the front door. No bad vibes were going to get through my protective energy shield!

I don’t know the particulars of their conflict, but she seemed to feel that she didn’t have a voice that she could rely on to keep her safe. We all know what it feels like to be bullied or to feel unstable in someone’s presence. To retreat or stand your ground? I guess that there is a time for both, but when a bully appears and we feel intimidated we don’t necessarily have to leave. We can stand our ground and continue what we had chosen to do especially if it involved engaging in a healthy practice.

Did you ever find yourself needing to stand up a bully? What did you do?

3 Responses to “Standing Up to a Bully”

  1. Susan

    I have been reading your blog for about a year. It gives me a since of peace and for that I thank you.

    • Ellie Dolgin

      Thank you, Susan! That is why I write…hoping to impart a sense of peace and well-being to others. I appreciate your comment.


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