Relationships Can Be Challenging

IMG_3073Relationships can be challenging! When do you stand firm and set boundaries and when do you negotiate and compromise?

I defer to Taoist philosophy which is based on the laws of nature. They describe the essential nature of water as being malleable and giving because anything can cut through it and make it change its course. But, it is also the most powerful force carving out the Grand Canyon and crushing huge boulders into fine sand.

When dealing with people be like water. Sometimes surrender and succumb to the flow and other times draw on your inner power that can move mountains. Use your conscious, kind and balanced center to determine which is the right course of action in each moment.

2 Responses to “Relationships Can Be Challenging”

  1. Chistine

    Hi Ellie –
    What an interesting topic – because the essential nature of water is also impersonal and it does not pick and choose how it behaves – it is consistent. If we are conscious, kind and balanced can that also be consistent and impersonal? Its hard, but I think so.

    • Ellie Dolgin

      You bring up some interesting thoughts. Being consistent and not taking it personally (another version of being impersonal) are complements to being conscious, kind and balanced. We won’t incorporate all aspects in every situation, and we don’t have to.


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