Participate in Healing

534Last week I went to a new chiropractor.  She spent a half hour looking at my body and telling me what my tendencies were that kept me off balance.  I usually put more weight on my left foot, my left thigh was more developed, I twisted my pelvis to the left and contracted my right shoulder and ribs.  These were all very subtle tilts.  I never noticed them and neither did any other chiropractor mention them.  I was grateful for the specific suggestions on how to even out my body.

This week I was conscious of how I stood at the market, in front of the sink washing dishes and how even I looked as I passed a mirror.  I stood on my right foot more often and practiced balancing on it as I got dressed.  I extended my ribs to give my liver space to do its job and encouraged my shoulders to relax.

When I went back to the chiropractor today she was shocked at how I was able to reverse those bad habits.  I told her that I go to healers to start a healing process, but I take responsibility to collaborate with them and continue the process on my own.  It doesn’t make me feel powerful to give over my complete healing to someone who spends a few minutes with me and comes up with a rote plan that applies to everyone with my complaints.  I like to participate in my healing and work in conjunction with hand-selected doctors and healers.  In his new era, there is much support for us to devote positive energy to our own health and rejuvenation.



4 Responses to “Participate in Healing”

  1. annina

    Thanks for reminding me to participate. So great that you were able to make some changes that really helped you.

    I’ve been going to PT most of the Summer for a knot or something behind my shoulder blade and have to do exercises which I don’t always do.

    Today, I’ll take more responsibility and do them 🙂

  2. Christine E

    Ahhhhh…if only all our patients would participate. Also wonderful of you to really hear what she had to say! I suspect a certain number of practitioners stop explaining things in detail because many people don’t want to participate and are looking for a quick fix. It is always exciting to connect with someone that is trying, seeking and growing.


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