Living Content

photo-3Everyone here wears jeans…the waiter, my doctor, but not the local tv weatherman who gave his report last week wearing a double-breasted suit holding a chihuahua. Just a tidbit of local flavor, but not what’s really on my mind.

What I want to talk about is the Oprah/Deepak Chopra meditation series about happiness.  It is positive and inspiring.   Today they addressed contentment and its role in experiencing joy. Andrew Weil describes contentment as an inner sense of fulfillment that’s relatively independent of external circumstances. It is not the pursuit of happiness, but the creation of it. It is allowing your life to unfold with the confidence of knowing that all is well and all will be well, no matter what. There is nothing lacking. There is nothing that you have to get to be happy.  We meditated on the mantra: I am content, just as I am.

What would it feel like to truly believe that all is well? To trust in the simplicity of each moment. To accept that whatever life presents is okay. Set the default to all is well and I don’t have to change anything. It is restful and harmonious with the flow of nature. It is possible and it is within our reach. It is my intention for a lovely Sunday.  Want to join me?



4 Responses to “Living Content”

  1. annina

    I agree that you said it beautifully. All is well. Happy Sunday. The weather is beautiful here, and the afternoon is peaceful 🙂

    • Ellie Dolgin

      Thank you all for adding your intentions for contentment. Your thoughts matter!


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