I’m an Oprah Groupie

photo 2(9)I admit it.  I’m an Oprah groupie.  I am so inspired by her guests and discussions that I often bring them here.  Introducing Panache Desai, thinker and communicator.  He talks about how our judgments of ourselves make our frequencies denser.  We empower everyone else’s version of who we really are and in so doing we have judged ourselves out of our magnificence.  He says that emotions are energies in motion.  They want to be experienced and then move, but they stay if we suppress and deny them.

And then there is Deepak Chopra whose meditation today addressed gratitude as a state of awareness rather than thankfulness for specific things.  When we are grateful only for things that we like in our lives, we are living a duality that pushes away negative things.   He does not suggest that we should want negative and hurtful things in our lives, but rather begin to cultivate an approach that embraces each day as it is with all of its imperfections.

“Gratitude shines light into your deepest awareness.  When all you can see in any direction is light, gratitude has aligned you with your true self.” This feels so right.  I am aware of opportunities everyday to shine light in my dark corners and limiting beliefs.  You, too?  We live in an amazing time with discussions like these in the mainstream, and a multitude of support for our efforts to bring light to each other for the highest good for all.



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