Happy New Year!!!

FullSizeRender-101It was a hot summer day. I parked my car in an open lot, put my handbag in the trunk and locked it, then walked away to meet a friend for lunch and a movie. Four hours later when I returned to the car I found that instead of locking it I had mistakenly clicked the trunk open. The trunk had been wide open for hours in a heavily trafficked area with pedestrians going to the Farmer’s Market and local museums, but no one had touched my handbag.

When I told my friend that I was astounded that I had left the trunk open and that no one had touched my handbag she said, “I guess that you didn’t need to learn that lesson.” She viewed this incident as a potential to evaluate my beliefs and how I operate. She was right. I had learned a lesson, just not THAT lesson. I have been more conscious and present since then, and have slowed down a bit rather than rushing unconsciously from one thing to another.

Every incident can be an opportunity to learn.  An uncomfortable discussion, a scary dream and a near miss can be teachers if we get past our initial reactions and try to learn from them. What do we need to do differently to drop into our true selves and better serve ourselves and others?

Turning the calendar into a new year is a great time to look at ourselves, not with resolutions, but with open eyes and intentionally shifting gears.  We are wiser this year than last.  Let’s put that experience to work and continue to move in a direction that makes sense and has meaning, one that protects each other and Mother Earth.

I wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year filled with joy and revelations.  I am so very grateful for your visits to these posts.  See you next year!

5 Responses to “Happy New Year!!!”

  1. Barbara

    Happy New Year Ellie!
    Perhaps it was not so much a lesson on being more conscious as a statement of your beliefs, that you trust in the good of all mankind. That perspective makes me feel better inside and out! xoxoxo

  2. Matthew S.

    I’m glad you didn’t need to learn that lesson as wel! Happy New Year, friend!


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