Exercise Now

IMG_3411It seems that people are getting heart attacks at an earlier age.  Smoking, obesity, diabetes, and lack of exercise are the culprits, as well as relying on medications to fix the problem. A woman who had eight stents inserted decided to take charge and implemented some lifestyle changes. She lost 75 pounds and reduced her medications from thirteen pills per day to one half pill per day by changing her diet and exercising.

Let’s talk about exercise. I believe that exercise is the light switch that allows our bodies to function naturally. We are well-designed and our bodies want to perform optimally, but our joints need oiling and our muscles need to be engaged. If you are like me, you sit for too long in front of the computer or tv. My mother has a rule. At every commercial she gets up and walks around the house. Now she is even attempting to jog while holding onto each chair that she passes. That’s inspiring!

It doesn’t have to be grandiose, just move. It gets easier. Remembering your spine, neck and joints will make room for your organs to breathe. They will thank you for it.

Please share if you can.

2 Responses to “Exercise Now”

  1. Heather

    She walks to the kitchen and gets one grape every commercial break. I don’t even think she likes grapes!


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