Rusty Jumper Cables

IMG_1760Among the bags of clothes, books, and pots and pans on the driveway waiting to be picked up for donation was a set of jumper cables. I had another set in the garage. Who needs two? So, there they were, red and yellow cables with shiny brass clamps sprawled out on the driveway. The pickup day came and went, but no one took the things. I called another company and scheduled a pickup for a week later. That week was rainy, and my shiny jumper cables rusted. They were no longer capable of transmitting energy from one vehicle to another. They had to be thrown out.

What does this have to do with anything? Here’s the connection…get it…connection? I have been feeling that I am in a transition, shifting, wanting to make some changes in my life, but not sure what they are. I have been releasing old beliefs and attitudes, but haven’t been able to envision new manifestations or dreams. While talking with a friend, I realized that I needed support in attracting and fine-tuning my desires. I needed to speak my questions out loud to a person who had earned the right to hear me. And, what was stopping me from finding that support? My jumper cables were rusty!  Feeling like I had to do it alone.  By not asking for help, I wasn’t allowing the energy from a broader perspective to flow and illuminate my path.  The decisions were always mine, but by sharing they became expanded.

What a relief to open up! Just as an eagle sees its prey differently from a treetop than swooping down upon it, or a garden can be hidden if you only stand on one side of a house, changing views provides more information. I shared my thoughts and concerns; I listened and mulled it around; I feel more focused.

Clearer, peaceful, supported,  luminous.

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