Giving, Caring and Connecting

IMG_9294There is a woman who walks in my neighborhood everyday. Her spine is bent at a ninety degree angle so that all she can see is the ground. She doesn’t seem to be stopped by anything, bundled up in a knitted hat and down jacket on cold days and a thin top to catch the breeze on hot days.  She is out there swinging her arms and race walking everyday at a brisk pace on local roads and along the service road.

Every time a car passes she lifts up her arm and waves even though she can’t see who it is or if the person is waving back. Isn’t this the definition of living joyfully and in the present? She extends a friendly gesture without knowing how it is received. Day after day, season after season she gives generously without being invested in what she sees or if it is returned. Giving just for the sake of giving. Connecting because she chooses to be connected. Caring for those who cross her path.

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