Equal Pay for Mothers

IMG_0221Motherhood with all its perks and challenges is a never-ending job. It is equal pay for equal or unequal work…everyone gets paid the same…nothing. Of course that’s not true. The pay is tremendous. We get to see our children live our lessons and, by adding their own essences, spread our wisdom to others. We see them blossom into magnificent roses from tiny undifferentiated buds.

We mothers work tirelessly to feed and clothe our children and teach them right from wrong and when we can barely keep our eyes open we answer their ethereal questions about life in this universe. But what I’m thinking about now is a mother’s elusive talent of sometimes being quiet and not getting involved when she is salivating at the opportunity to tell her child how to proceed or which course to pursue. One of a mother’s best skills is knowing when to keep quiet and when to engage. It is a honed skill acquired after years of trial and error (which her children will surely tell her about). And it is so incredibly satisfying when she risks not sharing her opinion and is rewarded with seeing her child relate with grace, consideration, generosity and compassion.

As Frank Pittman said, “The end product of child-raising is not the child but the parent.”

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