Don’t Take It Personally

IMG_4869My friend and I have a special relationship. Whenever we need to understand how we feel about something that happened or need suggestions on how to proceed, we turn to each other for guidance and especially to listen while we figure out what we need to do. Someone to listen while we process, absorb and feel the right course of action (or non-action).

A few days ago we each had interactions that we needed to talk about. What is amazing is that the lesson for each of us was the same in all cases. YOU CAN’T CHANGE ANYONE ELSE, SO ACCEPT AND HONOR THEM WHILE YOU MOVE FORWARD WITHOUT TAKING IT PERSONALLY. That’s it! It applied to an old boyfriend, sisters, girlfriends and parents. One of Don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements – Don’t take anything personally.  It’s simple, but it works when we remember to use it.

2 Responses to “Don’t Take It Personally”

  1. Barbara Hinz

    Once you know the magic of this, life is amazing! It takes some work but so worth it! <3


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