Deepak Does It Again

IMG_1364Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey created a 21-day meditation series (Miraculous Relationships) that starts you on a path to meditation gently and peacefully. I highly recommend it, especially for those who find it difficult to quiet down…like me! Deepak introduces ideas that resonate deeply within, then you sit quietly with his supporting words and soothing music. I feel a change. I feel that I see with more clarity and deeper truth.

I finished the series, and am now doing it again. On Day 8, Deepak talks about self-love. He says that all infants know this: “I am completely loved and I am completely lovable.” He then asks, “Are you treating yourself as the precious, lovable soul that you are, infinitely worthy, infinitely deserving?” The answer for me is probably not often enough, but I’m working on it! It’s a continual learning process, taking the opportunity to give myself more love, appreciation, kindness, and attention. And, it’s definitely worth it when I do. Everyone benefits since you can only give what you have.

I realize that giving and receiving are equal parts of a flowing cycle. During the construction of the new gallery, I connected with one of the workers whose doctor told him that he needed to eat more vegetables. Each day, I cut up carrots and cucumber, sometimes adding an apple or fig, and gave it to him. We laughed, and he graciously accepted with tremendous appreciation. It was fun for me. I like having a healthy and nurturing home. At the end of the project, he offered to bring me breakfast the last day. At first I said no, but then I realized that we both needed to give and to receive to keep the energy moving and complete the cycle. I changed my answer to yes, and accepted his offering. It’s just as important to receive as it is to give, and it all starts with giving to yourself. Buddha said, “You can search the entire universe and not find a single being more worthy of love than you.”

And, that’s how it is!

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