Change Without Knowing It

photo 1-3Change might look like it happens in an instant, but it has been percolating for a long time before it finally appears.  As I read some of my writing in the last few years, I realize that looking at my life and hoping and dreaming of ways that it could be different paved the way for major change without my being aware of it.

Here are some of those writings:

Awaken and nourish the child in all of us…the part of us that lets life flow and expand through curiosity and wonder.  I want to inspire and heal, give hope and direct toward positive choices…toward a higher vibration…guide toward tuning in with our true selves.  I release, choose differently and maybe others will be inspired.

Cluttered basement; cluttered kidneys.  Anger and resentment; overworked liver.  Closed, protected heart; sluggish blood flow.  I can reverse it all.

And, on January 1, 2013, this:

I’m changed – new, reborn, refreshed.  Old thoughts don’t fit anymore.  It’s a new year and I’ve discarded negative thoughts and apprehension like jeans a size too small.  Too tight, too restricting, I couldn’t breathe, and they didn’t look good on me anymore.  I’m creating a new wardrobe with soft, flexible thoughts that move with my body, stretch and release, a gentle embrace with comfort and love…accepting and forgiving.

Thanks for taking this trip down memory lane with me!



3 Responses to “Change Without Knowing It”

  1. Barbara Hinz

    Thanks Ellie, perfect words for me today to be inspired by! Today I release and create my new wardrobe too! xoxoxoxo

  2. annina

    I enjoyed reading this too and love what you say about change percolating long before it happens. This is a powerful thought. Sending you all the best!


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