Believing in the Good

IMG_5697-2Wayne Dyer died a few days ago, but not from leukemia, from a heart attack.  He was diagnosed with leukemia in 2012.  Sometime after that he received a long distance treatment from a famous healer in Brazil.  Wayne was so convinced that his body was healed from this disease that he never did any other treatments or follow up tests.  He completely trusted that his body had come into alignment.  He looked at the illness as “just the body’s way of responding to perhaps psychological traumas from failed relationships in the past. The body always knows what it’s doing. The body is perfect.”  The coroner’s report confirmed his truth.  There wasn’t a trace of leukemia in his body at the time of his passing.

Biologist Bruce Lipton is known for promoting the concept that our DNA can be changed by belief.  He says that billions of stem cells take direction from our thoughts and beliefs, either toward good health or decline.  Wayne Dyer’s life was a present day example of this theory.  As Dr. Dyer said (and I paraphrase), “If you don’t know for sure that something good is going to happen, and you don’t know for sure that something bad is going to happen, why not believe in the good?”

I hope that you will share this.

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