Two Different Realities

photo-9Last night at a party I met a woman who was complaining about how hard it is to meet people in Santa Fe and how everyone seems to be in a relationship leaving single people like her out. I have found just the opposite to be true. I have been invited to more parties in the last two months than in the last five years. I have been included in many groups and I feel ecstatic about being part of a vibrant community. My point is that everyone has their own reality. She is entitled to her feelings about living here, and I am sure that her experiences have led her to those conclusions. But, my reality is different. Both are valid. Her experiences will not influence what I know to be true for me, and maybe mine won’t influence her.

I still have lots of unanswered questions, but I deeply trust that moving forward with courage and enthusiasm will reveal my next step, even though a few of them might be stumbles.  Each new activity is both scary and exciting.  It’s the same for all of us.  We all have hopes and dreams that we wonder about and even question how we have the nerve to dream so big.  But, this is what I have seen.  At the end of your life, no one says thank you for diminishing yourself so that others might shine. No one says I want to follow your lead into quiet desperation and self-doubt. People want to be inspired by your daring to put your own particular stamp on living. I know of no better way than to listen to your heart’s song and sing along, in or out of tune, loud and clear…the two of you in glorious harmony and harmonious glory.



4 Responses to “Two Different Realities”

  1. Anne Sweeney

    Powerful, Ellie! Thank you so much for sharing this. It’s so inspiring. Love reading your blog entries.

  2. annina

    “At the end of your life, no one says thank you for diminishing yourself so that others might shine.”–I love this, Ellie. It is so true, and something for me to think about. Thank you.


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