Perspective Counts

You want to buy a car. You go to the dealership and find the car of your dreams. It’s apple red with great gas mileage, small and sporty with a solid construction. But when you walk around to the other side you find a huge dent in the passenger door. It was not as it seemed from the original side. Looking at the car from a different perspective gave you additional information that helped you make an informed decision.

When an animal enthusiast tracks a leopard he examines the tiniest details on the paw prints. Are the edges fresh and sharp or rounded by wind and dew? Which direction are they facing? Mother, cub, old, young, injured or strong? Then the tracker moves his vision to the horizon to take in the larger picture scanning for trodden grass and branches with spotted fur. He listens for the call of agitated birds and sentry monkeys warning others of the presence of a predator.

Looking at things from different perspectives helps us form complete and fair opinions. Take it all in – the wide and narrow picture – from various points of view. How might another person interpret the situation? You don’t need to drive a car with previous dents just because you fell in love with the first view. It will be just as lovable when you learn more about it.

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