Reaching into the Muck

Ellie's phone pictures 053My qigong form has a movement where you reach behind you into an imaginary pond of stagnant water and scoop up something that has been hiding in darkness. You carry it forward in your open palm into the light, cleansing and transforming it, using your gentle energy to lift and alchemize it from dense sediment into pulsating, positive, life-affirming energy.

I used to tell my teacher that I didn’t like the imagery, but after spending time with family I see the value of its real-life application. I love my extended family, but I think that everyone could benefit from the process of reaching into the muck of the past and cleaning off memories as we move forward. Who doesn’t have some residual jealousy, competition or resentment? Just a little?

The next qigong movement involves planting an imaginary cleansed seed of conception into your own abdomen to nourish new growth.  The spring of your evolution, bursting forth with promise and potential.  Your very own chance to do it all over again…your way!

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