Why Blog?

Last weeOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAk my friend asked me why I decided to blog. This is how I answered her.

In 1990, two of my sculptures were displayed in a gallery in Chicago. Oprah Winfrey walked into the gallery, saw them and bought them both. A few years later, my sister called in a VERY excited voice while watching Oprah. As the camera scanned Oprah’s guest apartment, my sister could see my sculpture. She yelled, “You are SO on Oprah, and I am SO your agent!” Although it was tempting to try to be on her show, my gut feeling was “No,” because I had nothing to say. Imagine me feeling that I had nothing to say! Well, that was the end of that for the moment.

In the past twelve years I have studied spiritual living and new quantum physics theories, and how they apply to healing. I have read countless books, attended workshops, discussion groups, and lectures from many of the great thinkers of our time, such as Caroline Myss, Esther (Abraham) Hicks, Thich Nat Han, David Hawkins and Eckhardt Tolle, just to name a few. I have developed a clearer understanding and unwavering faith in the wisdom of the universe and in our ability to draw experiences to ourselves…to embrace our purpose and to uplift others.  I find it exciting that we are living in a unprecedented time of evolving human consciousness.

I am enthusiastic about all I continue to learn and experience. In contrast to what I felt before,  I now feel that I have something to say. In fact, I can barely contain myself!

We all want to make the world a better place. Maybe my writing and unique outlook will be an inspiration to others to be open and courageous, and to live by what they know in their hearts to be truth.

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