Today is Your Creation

photo(20)For those of you who follow this blog, I’m sorry that I missed writing last week.  I was traveling.  Along with being busy and sometimes not having the opportunity to write, traveling opens me up to see things in a new way.  It gets me out of my little world and reminds me that people do things differently, and that nature is breathtaking in all its varied forms.

On one occasion, I hiked through a canyon in the New Mexico mountains framed by huge rock walls with etched organic crevices that gave me an eery feeling of ancestors watching over me.  I felt that I was witnessing thousands of years of compression and expansion in that moment.  Recently fallen rocks attested to the precarious and ever-changing nature of the canyon.  Dogs, rock climbers and dirt bike riders experienced the canyon in their own different ways.

Later,  while driving,  I saw a bumper sticker that read, “Bless Everyone in the Universe.  No exception.” It was so simple, yet so profound.  It made me think.  Minimizing differences; giving no credence to “we” as opposed to “they”;  all inclusive; all deserving.  It stayed with me.

I hope that you have a special day.  In whatever way you create an adventure or a new awareness, it will be special.  I’d love to hear about it.



2 Responses to “Today is Your Creation”

  1. Barbara Hinz

    Creating is fun, and to consciously create is even better. I am in the process of moving also Ellie, though not as far away as you. We are moving upstairs and taking up the 2 apartments there for more room. This is move #15 for me since I left my parents house many years ago. I love walking into a new space and turning it into my home. Before I move in, I always bless the space and all who were there before me, I invite the angels in and thank them for finding me a new home. I didn’t even go looking for a larger place, the Universe knew we needed more space and my landlord must have listened and offered me the perfect solution. Today we start cleaning and painting my new kitchen, creating a happy and inviting place.
    I love the bumper sticker and it reminded me of a video my good friend Jane Young created from Pierre Pradervand’s, The Gentle Art of Blessing. Blessing is so simple and easy and it blesses us in return. Thanks for the reminder, bless you Ellie!


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