Speaking Up

IMG_7194These times of conflict and vastly differing opinions offer challenges for each of us. Maybe you are feeling it, too. Where is the balance between speaking your mind and self-indulging rantings? When is it better to speak out and be involved and when is the time to step back and seek inner peace?

I think that there are three points to consider:

1. Is your method of expression thought out or just a spur of the moment release of rage? Is it intelligently directed to the right people?

2. Will you feel better after saying it or worse? Will it be fulfilling or will you feel remorse?

3. Is there a more constructive way to say it? A way that will not deliberately hurt people?

I hope that you find the way to express what’s in your heart at every juncture. And, if you get it wrong, it’s never too late to rethink your behavior and apologize.

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