My Healing Session

618Yesterday I had a healing session with a Master Qigong teacher.  Master Liu began her training at the age of four by her grandfather, a Qigong Master and Chinese medical doctor who treated the last emperor of China. By age 14, Master Liu was given permission to teach and to perform healing techniques on others.  Medical qigong is so highly regarded in China that there is a hospital that offers only qigong to treat its patients, and most others offer it as part of their comprehensive treatment plan.

I love Chinese medicine!  It addresses the flow of energy through the organs and frees up areas where it might be slowed down or stopped.  Master Liu said that because of past worry and fear, some of my organs are stressed and exhausted and are not getting the energy they need to do their jobs.  She said that it has been a long-time pattern.  Too much living in my head and not enough in my body.  I think that she’s onto something!

She suggested a short-term eating plan and breathing and qigong exercises.  And, even more importantly, an understanding of how my body needs a change of attitude and appreciation that supports rejuvenation and replenishment.  We don’t realize that shelving feelings in our youth leads to stagnation when we get older.  We might forget, but our bodies don’t.  It’s never too late to release old patterns, beliefs, and habits.  New experiences need space.

Please share this link, and we will be partners in releasing the past.



2 Responses to “My Healing Session”

  1. Barbara Hinz

    It is amazing how much we hold on to that we aren’t even aware of. I’ve been Tapping, EFT, and I am amazed at the feelings and memories that surface and can be released with love. I’m glad you found a loving healing master to guide you. The teachers appears when the student is ready, and now is the time. <3


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