Manyana Starts Today

photo(32)Freedom of choice is everywhere when packing. Who knew there were 40-year-old cake knives in the back of the drawer?  And, they are probably virgins because I don’t ever remember using them.  Candles, barbeque mitts, sun visors…who cares?  But, I have to make a decision on whether they come or go.

I hardly slept last night. Back and forth, tossing and turning, planning, mental lists.  Around 3:00 a.m. I brought a pen and paper into bed like a coveted lover.  I have a rule “Don’t get up before 5 am.”

What I am understanding is that it is not about the decisions.  It is that I feel out of control.  And there is the kernel for the day!  I need to get out of my own way.  Get into the manyana mode today. I left the house under reams of bubble wrap and went swimming at the Y.  That clears my head and gets me into a meditative trance.  I came home refreshed and with clarity.

Ya know what I mean?





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