Making Choices with Integrity

I am so inspired! I just listened to a Ted talk by medical intuitive Caroline Myss about choices that we make. She pointed out that we have no idea which choices matter and which will be insignificant. We are born knowing in our spiritual instincts that our choices are powerful. 

She identified five points in making choices:

1. Make a decision to live in integrity. Don’t compromise yourself or others to make yourself more comfortable. Lying or blaming others for what you do registers in your body.

2. Pass on wisdom to others, not pain or suffering. Do not let anything defeat you.

3. Take risks without waiting for proof. Most of our greatest fears have not been realized. Don’t look backward for guidance.

4. Choose new words. Our vocabulary affects our health. Is yours hostile? Delete the words “blame, deserve, entitled” from your vocabulary.

5. Choose to get up everyday and bless your day. Don’t base your gratitude on what you have or how your feel. Be grateful just because.

Do you feel inspired?

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