I Don't Know

In trying to improve my vocabulary, I have come across a powerful ancient American phrase of three words.  And it is:


I appreciate when someone says that to me rather than explaining things from a limited factual basis and even more limited personal understanding of the issue at hand. It is refreshing and relaxing to talk with someone who is honest and humble and willing to own their evolving partial grasp.

I have been asking myself to use the phrase more often, too. Sometimes I need time to understand what I know or how I feel about something and “I don’t know” buys more time to sort through the muck of social chatter without bombarding someone with my personal viewpoint.

This Thanksgiving I hope that you will use this brilliant phrase to move closer to friends and relatives and to the truth of how you feel.  You can exercise your choice to absorb information and sensory input instead of making rash judgments just to assert your opinion.  Hopefully you will be in the presence of someone who will honor your right to opt out of the being right game.  Enjoy, be safe and let me know how it goes!

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