Going for the Gusto

photo(40)Conventional thinking says that I should live in New Mexico for six-months to a year before moving there.  I didn’t.

Conventional thinking says that I should rent my house before buying a new one.  I didn’t.

Conventional thinking says that I should put my possessions in storage in case I will want them in the future.  I didn’t.

I am following my intuition which often goes against conventional thinking.  I am following what I feel in my gut and what gives me chills of affirmation.  I am guided by what does not have words to explain or justify it.  It has served me well, and has been a lighthouse on many foggy nights.

In leaving my home base of almost thirty years, I am downsizing, shaking it up, taking the leap.  I’m numb, exhausted, excited, exhilarated.  It’s anything but business as usual.  Not even a distant cousin to same old, same old.  It’s all new, unknowing, strange, untested, a blank canvas, and a precious opportunity to create.




4 Responses to “Going for the Gusto”

  1. ruth

    I fully understand and applaud your every thought and feeling. GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. ruth

    I fully understand and applaud your every move. you are amazing. Love always Mom


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