Giving to Charities

534It’s December and the charities are trying to get last-minute donations before the year end.  I always find it a chore to decide which charities and how much to give.  They are all so important and tell heart-wrenching stories of people in need all over the world.  The letters sit on my desk for weeks begging for my attention.

Today I tackled the huge pile.  But, in addressing requests, I did something different.  I gave slightly more to each one, and on the memo portion of each check I wrote, “Thank you for your work!”  As I wrote, I felt my energy change.  It was not a chore, but an honor to support them and their work.  I felt my heart opening and connecting to people in all situations, thinking of how my choices could make their lives better.  I thought of individual people in villages and sent them hope.  I wanted them to know that they are not alone.  Change your intention, and your reality changes.  I hope that their reality changes, too.

My very best wishes to you for a healthy day.  Remember to move!  At each commercial or when your team gets a first down, mute the tv and move your joints…neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles.  It matters!

Please share and like my Facebook page.  I need you!

4 Responses to “Giving to Charities”

  1. Barbara Hinz

    I need you too! Thank you for sharing how your donations were not just a check but and intention for a better life for others and the Gratitude for those that do this work for us. xoxoxox


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