Everything Happens Once

My daughter was doing a major cleaning out.  She didn’t have fond memories of high school and wanted to throw out her yearbook.  She asked if I could give her any reason to keep it.  I said that years later in anticipation of a reunion she might want to look up classmates.  No, she was in touch with everyone who mattered to her.

“Your high school experience only happens once,” I said.

“Everything only happens once,” she replied.

I was spellbound.  Of course everything only happens once.  Isn’t that the definition of living in the present?  Understanding that the exact configuration of the moment is fleeting?  Job and relationship opportunities don’t come around again in exactly the same way.  The setting sun changes every minute forever obliterating the particular palette of colors that came before.   The chance to speak your mind or stand up for someone passes quickly.  Each experience is a special and unique combination of circumstances if you are truly conscious in the moment.

I think that my daughter threw out her yearbook.  The act of discarding it was more pleasurable and valuable to her than holding onto an object that didn’t support her growth.  I stand by any decision that she made.

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