Adults Can Be Enthusiastic Too

IMG_1385Enthusiasm! Positive energy for life, people, exploration. It is contagious. The fish monger (as he calls himself) at Whole Foods was so enthusiastic about my trying a delicious, new fish from Brazil that he repeated his recipe three times to be sure that my experience would be successful.

My grandchildren are as exhilarated when playing in a cardboard box as they are for Halloween or a new toy. Add Daddy pulling the box and it rates up there like a home run…kid style.

Adults often let our enthusiasm wane, but no! Don’t let it slip away into coolness and sophistication, which can be boring if there is no spirit behind it.  Enthusiastic adults are charming and refreshing, playfully out of the box, like a beacon of light attracting more excitement and creativity into their lives and everyone around them. I think it’s cool to be enthusiastic.  Very cool!

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