Swimming as a Metaphor for Life

I swim at a local gym. Usually twenty laps – no more, no less. Twenty does it for me. Once in awhile when I am feeling strong I put flippers on my feet. It takes more energy but builds up calf muscles and strength.

Today on lap twelve I put on the flippers and started to do the crawl. The added power of the flippers made me go really fast. I was startled at how fast I was going. I was uncomfortable with it. Halfway through the lap I realized that I was fighting the speed because it was so unfamiliar. That’s when I realized that my swim was a metaphor for life – symbolic for how we negotiate through life.

Examining and learning from experiences is like putting the flippers on. After we learn of our truth and get more into our essences, our trajectory speeds up. We can’t go at the old pace – our energy just won’t tolerate it and we will feel the strain of conflict. We have to go faster and deeper into truth. I don’t mean faster in velocity like a swimmer, but deeper into our personal and global evolution and authenticity. If you are feeling conflicted, maybe you are resisting where you naturally are now. Either take off the flippers or adjust your breath to your new pace.

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